Quick view of activity
DURATION: 3 days
LANGUAGES: Spanish, English
Protocols against COVID 19

Visit the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and The Mountain of Seven Colors if you:

  • You want to enjoy the must-sees of Cusco and get to know Chinchero, Ollantaytambo, Maras and Moray in the Sacred Valley over 2 days.
  • You are looking for a full-day visit to Machu Picchu and another full day to visit The Mountain of Seven Colors.
  • You want to relax and enjoy. We take care of it.
  • You want to connect with the place alongside our professional guides who know unique stories.


The best is yet to come!

  • Day 1: Sacred Valley
    • The experience begins at approximately 7:30 am, beginning the trip from Cusco to the Sacred Valley of the Incas; Get ready to discover its fascinating culture, surrounded by majestic mountains.
    • You will visit Chinchero, a small and picturesque Andean town. You will be able to enter the house of a textile artisan, where you will appreciate his original work as well as learn about his techniques and his creative process.
    • Then you will visit the important Inca archaeological center of the town, built at the end of the 15th century, you will also be able to have a panoramic view of its beautiful and traditional church.
    • Then we will visit Maras and Moray, we will go to Moray, an Inca archaeological site famous for its impressive concentric terraces. There, you will have a guided tour to learn everything about these fascinating ruins. You will learn about the function of terraces and their complex irrigation system.
    • Afterwards, we will continue our journey towards Maras, 7k from Moray. Here we will visit the ancient salt mines where, to this day, the finest salt in the world is obtained.
    • The area looks like a mosaic of terraces and ponds, offering an unparalleled view to those who love to take amazing photographs.
    • On the way to Ollantaytambo, you will stop at a viewpoint where you will have some of the best views of the Sacred Valley. Afterwards, lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
    • Finally, you will arrive at Ollantaytambo, one of the most representative architectural complexes of the ancient Inca Empire and one of the few places where the Spanish conquistadors lost an important battle. Well known for its platforms, Ollantaytambo was a very effective fortress that also served as a temple.
    • Aproximadamente 8 horas después te dejaremos en la estacion de tren de ollantaytambo y tomaremos el tren vistadome de las 15:37 para llegar al pueblo de aguas calientes y ese mismo dia tendremos un transfer q le ayudara  ah buscar su hotel reservado , que descanses y recargues energía para la siguiente aventura.
  • Día 2: Machu Picchu
    • Hoy es el día que visitarás esta gran maravilla del mundo.
    • Pasaremos por ti aproximadamente a las 8:00 hrs. para comenzar el traslado hacia la estacion de buses de aguas calientes a machupicchu.
    • Después de llegar a Machu Picchu Pueblo, el ascenso a la Ciudadela comenzará a las 8:45 hrs cuando comiences el desplazamiento para tomar el bus Consettur (una vez inicie el trayecto serán 30 minutos de recorrido).
    • La visita iniciará alrededor de las 10:30 hrs y tendrá una duración aproximada de 2 horas y 30 min. En esta visita nuestros guías te contarán las historias que solo un experto conoce, te darán los tips para las mejores fotos y podrás sacarle el máximo provecho a la visita que tanto soñabas.
    • Una vez hayas disfrutado al máximo tu visita, la historia del lugar, la fantástica vista y hayas registrado todo en tu cámara, comenzaremos el retorno de Machu Picchu a Aguas Calientes Pueblo. Te estaremos esperando alrededor de las 13:10 hrs. En el paradero de buses de Machu Picchu. Esperaremos de nuevo los buses de Consettur (alrededor de 30 – 40 min de espera), una vez inicie el trayecto serán 30 minutos de recorrido y estarás de regreso a Machu Picchu Pueblo a las 14:00 hrs.
    • De regreso tendrás tiempo para almorzar en la ciudadela antes de comenzar tu viaje de regreso (incluido).
    • Finalmente, a las 15:48hrs. abordarás VISTADOME° Machu Picchu Train, frecuencia 64, hacia Ollantaytambo. Estarás de regreso a Ollantaytambo alrededor de las 17:50 hrs.
    • Finalmente, te llevaremos de regreso a tu hotel en Cusco.
  • Día 3: Montaña de 7 Colores
    • Esta increíble aventura comienza muy temprano en la mañana. Te recogeremos en tu hotel por la madrugada y empezaremos un trayecto en dirección al Valle Sur; será un trayecto de 2 horas hasta llegar a Cusipata y de ahí continuaremos el trayecto por una trocha carrozable hasta la localidad de Phulawasipata por 1 hora más.
    • La localidad de Phulawasipata está ubicada a 4,626 msnm (15 177.17ft) y es desde ahí donde comenzamos la caminata que tomará aproximadamente 1 hora y 30 minutos bordeando un hermoso arroyo. Déjate cautivar por el camino y por su fauna, verás grupos de rebaños de camélidos andinos como llamas y alpacas; si tienes suerte, tal vez podrás ver al gato Andino. ¡Alista tu cámara! El gran nevado que verás es el más alto de la región, el “Apu Ausangate”, su majestuosidad y mística te recordarán que estás en un lugar único y mágico.
    • Durante el trayecto, podrás interactuar con los comuneros de la zona conociendo un poco su diario vivir; verás diversos campos de cultivo que se trabajan en la zona sobre todo la papa y sus diferentes variedades.
    • After the 1 hour and 30 minute walk, you will be surprised by the wonderful view of Vinicunca, The Rainbow Mountain (5,020 masl / 16466ft). Take out your camera to record this moment! You will have enough time to explore the area, take photos and also take a break to renew your energy (approximately 30 minutes at the top).
    • When the time comes to begin the descent along the same ascent route, the return walk will take approximately 1 hour to reach the place where the return transportation will be waiting for you.
    • After 1 hour of travel, we arrived in Cusipata for lunch. Later, we will continue the return to Cusco, arriving after approximately 2 hours. You will be back in Cusco at the end of the afternoon.
    • Some information about the walk:
      • Total walking distance: 8 km.
      • Walking hours: 3.5 Hours.
      • Minimum height: 4652 meters above sea level.
      • Maximum height: 5020 meters above sea level.
      • Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

What is included?

  • Train Tickets: Vistadome  Machu Picchu Train , 3:37 p.m. (Ollantaytambo station departure 3:37 p.m.) (Machu Picchu station departure 3:20 p.m.).
  • Transportation from/to Hotel in Cusco
  • Professional bilingual guide on all your visits.
  • Consettur bus transport.
  • Entrance tickets to Machu Picchu and visiting places in the sacred valley and mountain of colors
  • Foods:
    • Day 1: buffet lunch.
    • Day 2: does not include food.
    • Day 3: breakfast and lunch

What is not included?

  • Accommodation
  • Services and meals not mentioned in the itinerary, drinks during meals and personal expenses.
  • Domestic and international air tickets.
  • Tips for guides, drivers and waiters if not specified in the description.

Prepare for your activity


  • Travel light, but don’t forget to bring comfortable walking shoes and something to keep you warm, as there will be a bit of wind and the nights are usually cold.
  • Recharge the batteries of your camera or cell phone to take the best photos and videos from the moment you are on the train.
  • Share your experiences so that more people are encouraged to live it!
  • Bring current identification documents because many archaeological sites require them at the entrance.
Machu Picchu and 7 Colors Mountain
Humantay Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu

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